Saturday, September 17, 2016


I spent the last week packing, sorting and planning.  I am off to China for three weeks starting tomorrow as a reward for completing my 9 weeks of cancer treatments and getting the thumbs up from all of my docs.  I look at this Cuba stories hiatus as only a temporary delay while I cook up a few new stories from the Forbidden City and the Panda Preserve, and the Three Gorges Dam and the Terra Cotta Army and even from Tibet.  Unsure of my internet availability since most Google apps are banned in China, but hang in there, I WILL bring back stories, regardless and relay them to you if you are interested.
Cooking Up New Stories From China to Follow CUBA LIBRE REDUX Series  
  I'll miss you and look forward to re-connecting with all of you in early October when I return to the good ol' US of A.  Stay safe and try to not choke on all the political pap while I am off cuddling a Panda cub.  Eat your heart out!  

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