Sunday, November 6, 2016

CUBA LIBRE REDUX  -  Traditions

    What is this thing we call “Tradition?”  Is it an event that repeats itself out of simple inertia?  Or out of desire to re-capture what is often, a mis-remembered past?  Is it an attempt to improve on those past events?  Or is it merely a ploy to avoid the energy necessary to re-imagine the future?  I have not a clue.  I never gave it much thought until I met my good friend, Chuck, many, many years ago.  Every now and again you meet someone with whom the simpatico is instantaneous. So it was with Chuck and me.  Over the years and hundreds of passionate dinner arguments/discussions, It became clear to me he is overly enamored of the concept of ‘tradition.’  He has instituted (with my enthusiastic concurrence) a long series of traditions within our friendship.  Each and every time we have both agreed that this is definitely “the one.”  Of course, all have fallen by the wayside after a few years due to what I view as the societal mores thrust upon us by the era in which we live. We acknowledge our responsibilities to others and as a result, at certain times, life just gets in the way of living and another tradition goes by the boards. I am not now nor have I ever been the originator of any of our shared traditions in spite of offering (much) unnecessary advice and consult regarding their initiation.  Yet, I have always enjoyed experiencing these forays into establishing stability in an unstable environment. Unfortunately, their individual demise has often played heavily on Chuck.  I see it in his eyes, I hear it in his tone and I feel guilty... guilty for not having done more to preserve them and guilty for not sharing his deep sense of remorse at their lapse.  Chuck, this one is for you. 

   Yes, it was a shock to me to find myself desperate to continue that ancient 1961 “tradition.”  I had not even remembered it until I heard the Hotel National mentioned by Kris and Mel while discussing must-see locations. It was a great couple of hours. Continuing the tradition, multiple daiquiris were once again involved, at least I am pretty sure there were multiples!   Do I want to do it again?  Absolutely!  Will the tradition continue?  The outlook is not bright as I run down the long life-list of places I have NOT yet visited and the upward trend of my age demographics.  I started this one in my youth nearly 60 years ago and now it is most likely... dunzo. There is a small, dark and empty space where that new memory should be stored.  I think it will remain dark and empty.  So now I know precisely how my friend Chuck feels in those moments of disappointment.  And I don’t like it much either.  Karma, Baby, Karma.

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