This is NOT a paid ad but I wanted to mention the folks whom I have entrusted with the task of introducing the Southwest and our marvelous Interstate system to AURORA. Dan and Nancy (and Anchor, her out- vehicle riding companion) transport boats for a living. As most of you know, I do OK (to say the least) in the "make a short story long" department but I cede my crown to Dan. Unlike most story-tellers, Dan's stories are actually interesting. On the other hand, Nancy, who rarely speaks, is fascinating in her own right. She has a doctorate in structural engineering and designed and oversaw the construction of that flatbed trailer carrying AURORA. That middle section where AURORA sits can be shortened or lengthened to suit the boat they are carrying. In AURORA's case, height is a serious impediment to moving cross country. That middle section of the trailer can also be hydraulically raised or lowered all the way to the roadbed allowing an additional foot or so of height when inching beneath a low bridge. A real plus if I wanted AURORA to arrive with the pilothouse still attached instead of becoming public art on an overhead in Tuscaloosa. AURORA is only half way through this sightseeing road trip and she looks comfortable. I wish I were... boats were never intended for road trips. I'll worry until she once more floats in her natural element. In the meantime, Happy Trails to You, AURORA.
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