Mint-ed in Kentucky |
Last Saturday was the umpteenth running of the Kentucky Derby. Before this past Saturday, I had never been in Kentucky during derby week but I knew AURORA would be there for this 2014 running. What better way to inaugurate the new slip with AURORA than to sip a few Mint Juleps while watching the Derby on a streaming internet connection. Thus, in giddy preparation, I transported a flagon of Maker's Mark bourbon from MKE because AURORA now resides in a dry county in Western Kentucky. I believe I have mentioned the unique regulations regarding alcohol in a glass in a dry Kentucky county previously. My limited experience with the mixology involved, nay, demanded only the bourbon, (brought it) simple syrup, (easy-- equal parts sugar and water) and fresh mint leaves (local supply) to muddle in the bottom of the glass. I didn't bother to bring fresh mint because I was going to be in Kentucky for Heaven's sake... it is where Mint Juleps originated! EVERY grocery store would have fresh mint for this legendary weekend. Hmmmm! You guessed correct... not one of the three grocery stores within 10 miles had any nor did they even carry it. I could understand having run out on this particular weekend, but not even carrying it? 30 different cuts of ham, 14 kinds of bacon and more ribs than Rocky Marciano ever broke, but NO fresh mint for Mint Juleps? Really? I found myself in this alternate universe complaining bitterly to my new dock neighbor (who shall remained un-named for reasons to be revealed presently) and he, taking pity on the newbie, offered to pick some up for me when he went out on a couple of errands. I told him I could not find any and I am sure he assumed me being a Yankee, I had no clue as to where to go. Fast forward one hour and my new neighbor raps on the starboard window and when I open it he holds up a slew of mint sprigs wrapped in paper towel. "Is this what you need?" he asked while exhibiting a Cheshire Cat grin that extended from ear to ear. "Where in the world did you find it?" I asked incredulously. He told me he went to three places and no one had any so he simply improvised. He stopped off at the garden center at Walmart and snipped a bunch of sprigs from one of their plants sitting on a shelf. Subsequently, he enjoyed the fruits of his labors with us while all the pretty horses ran around that big white fence looking for the exit. You know all those images in your mind of Southern Belles sitting around in rocking chairs on a big open porch sipping Mint Juleps? Well the reason they are sitting is because after a couple of those Juleps, they CAN'T stand up! I should add, my enterprising dock neighbor has a friend for life. You know who you are and Kristine and I thank you profusely for salvaging AURORA's special inauguration on Derby Day 2014.
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