Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Afternoon - Pier 3 - KDM
Yeah, I'm in the wrong pew down here. I took Oreo out for his afternoon constitutional and Mike and David were just pickin' and plunkin' everything from John Denver to Bobby Goldsboro through a rousing medley of Beatles tunes.  And me with terminal tone deafness. If ever they hear my versions while I'm in the shower, I will be asked to move to another dock for certain. I don't think my lack of musical talent is infectious but who knows? My blossoming musical career came to a screeching halt at about age 10. My music class in grade school was asked to participate in a city system-wide concert with all of the other music classes grouped by age. During the practice sessions in our own little class of twenty warblers, the teacher singled me out and asked that I just mime the words without making any sound. Of course I was absolutely crushed but at least I did get to wear the fancy shirt we all received for our participation. I love music. I love classical, I love pop, I love rock, blue grass, country, jazz, ragtime, you name it.... well, on second thought, I'm not overly fond of Kiss.  I have always blamed the powers that be for cheating me out that stellar career I could have had on stage if only I could carry a tune.  But no, as my Dad would say to me, "You couldn't carry a tune in a paper bag." What he failed to mentioned was that no one in our family could. Genes DO matter. So this afternoon when I walked by these two guys just having a great time, I admit, I was jealous. Not bitter, just a little jealous. My life has led me down many paths that have ended in crushing disappointment (and one or two successes that balance it all out in my opinion) so I have devised a knack for pretty good Plan Bs.  But that first school episode?  Ahhh, that was a toughie.  Never forgot it, but then. after all, how does that old saw go?  "You always remember your first!" 

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