Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Red Nek Wine Glasses... no, really!
In this Kentucky dry county, one may not drink visible alcohol in public or be subject to a hefty fine. That means no wine glasses on the aft deck even while in my own slip... UNLESS it is in a red plastic solo cup. So when a few posts ago I whined about wine out of a plastic solo cup, one of the new neighbors took it seriously and gifted Kristine with these beauties. Sorry, Melamine is still plastic.  My good friends Peter and Kathy in Los Angeles would be horrified if I used a plastic cup to drink any of their fine Sonoma or Paso Robles wines. Friday afternoons in Marina del Rey were usually reserved for P&K who would drive down from their mountain aerie in Chatsworth loaded with Trader Joe cheese and snacks AND... a couple of bottles of really, really good red that was so far above my pay grade I didn't recognize the labels. I miss those Friday afternoons, (and often long into the evening) saturated with great wine and punctuated by heated political discussions.  I once considered them best friends until I realized, they DESTROYED my long coveted ability to enjoy cheap wines. And that's not all they have done to ruin my MdR lifestyle. First they go and sell off their exquisite chocolate importing company, cheating me of all those freebie broken slabs of Belgian chocolate that I took off their hands just to help them, of course. Then, adding insult to injury, they hook me, nay, addict me, to good wine every Friday afternoon.  I may never be able to forgive them their trespasses upon my cheap wine sojourns and expensive chocolate binges unless I win the lottery which is unlikely since I am probably the only individual in the US of A who has never bought a lottery ticket of any kind. Some good news... no chocolate freebies, so I am less frightened when I look at the scale. More... the good news... I now drink really good wines, just one sixth as many bottles as I once did. The bad news... I now drink really good wines, just one sixth as many bottles as I once did. I guess having wine aficionados for friends has a downside after all.  Why wasn't I warned about this?

1 comment:

  1. About time! Was getting really tired of seeing that bird.....
